Programming Resolutions — How’d I do?

Daniel Chang
Always Be Coding
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2018


With 2017 coming to a close, it warranted a review on my engineering resolutions I set out to do and look at what’s in store for 2018.

Let’s go New Years!

How’d I do?

  1. Build Stronger CS Fundamentals — Not really, kind of, but I’d rate myself a fail
  2. Webpack — Fail
  3. Observables — Fail
  4. Elasticsearch — Fail
  5. Angular2 (or just Angular) — Fail
  6. Create React App or Ember CLI — Sure, I did a bunch of React CLI related stuff
  7. Redux — Yeah, did this
  8. Ruby/Python — Fail
  9. Java — Fail
  10. Scala — Fail

So, I guess I batted 0.200 (maybe 0.250). Not really good. It’s interesting that out of the ones I failed to do, only 1, 9, & 10 seem relevant to me still. With 2018 around the corning it’s time to put together a new list.

10. Java/Scala

This one still stays on the list, but I’d collapsed them into one. Java still seems relevant and Scala is kind of an extension in my opinion.

9. CS Fundamentals

Probably work through more algorithms and Cracking The Coding Interview

8. Just embrace all things React — Become an expert

I’ve done a handful of React, but I think this coming year I need to really double down on this ecosystem and become more of an expert in it. It helps that we are looking at a refactor into React at work.

7. Vue.js

Because Vue could very well be the future we deserve. I’ve look at it on a surface level, and I honestly like what I see.

6. Typescript

Because strictly typed is probably going to be the future.

5. Hapi.js or some other backend

I’ve done basic Node/Express and also thrown Loopback on top of that, this is really just about expanding my touchpoint with backend things that sit on Node.

4. GraphQL

Partly inspired by workplace banter recently, but also this article.

3. Finish reading Clean Code

So I’ve had this book for a while, and actually started it last year. This is probably a good year to finish it.

2. Release a personal product

I’ve had a bunch of ideas, a number of repos created, and a handful of prototypes produced, but I’ve not yet made a public application.

1. Write More

One resolution is to write more. I feel like I started the year off well, but things ended up getting busy and the writing kind of just fell off as well.

So there we have it, let’s see how this upcoming year looks.

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Code monkey always looking to learn more, avid car enthusiast celebrating #WRXmas all year long, amateur chef, professional eater.